How to Setup SMB Scan on Windows 7

SMB (Server Message Box) is a well-known protocol for providing shared access to files, printers, serial ports etc between nodes on a network. Many Multi-function (All in one) devices provide network scanning functionality using this protocol. Once configured properly, this is one of the most user friendly methods for network scanning. Let’s see how to do it.
  • Open Control Panel - Network and Internet. 
  •  Select Network and Sharing Center.
  • Select “Change advance sharing setting”. 
  •  Make sure “turn on file and printer sharing” is enabled.
  • Make sure “Enable file sharing for device that use 40- or 56- bit encryption” and “Turn on password protected sharing” is enabled.
Firewall Settings:   
  •  Open the “Control Panel - System and Security - Allow a program through Windows Firewall”. 
  •  Make sure that “File and printer sharing” is checked. 
Shared Folder Setup: 
  •  Right click on your destination folder and select “Properties”. Select the sharing tab and click the “Share” button. 
  •  Click “Share”. 
  •  Click “Done” after your folder is shared. 
  •  Click “Advanced Sharing” and select the “Share this folder” box. 
  •  Click “Permissions” and add “Everyone” (or login user name) with full control. Click “OK” and you’re done. Now you are ready to configure the MFP for scan to folder SMB.
Advanced Firewall settings for SMB scanning with Windows 7 
You may have to adjust the advanced firewall settings if the MFP and the Windows 7 computers are on different networks. For example, the MFP has an IP address of and the computer has an IP address of In this case Windows 7’s firewall will block SMB traffic. In addition to adding an exception for “File and Printer Sharing” in the firewall, you will have to follow these steps. 
  • Open “Control Panel” and go to “System and Security” 
  •  Click “Windows Firewall”.
  • Select Advance Setting”.
·         There are four settings in “File and Printer Sharing that you will have to adjust. See the screenshot given below:

Double click on “File and Printer sharing (NB- Datagram-In)” rule for the Private and Domain profiles.Under the Scope tab, select “Any IP address”. You can also enter a specific IP address or range by selecting “These IP addresses” and clicking “Add”. Do the same for “File and Printer Sharing (NB-Name-In)”, “File and Printer Sharing (NB- Session- In)”, and “File and Printer Sharing (SMB- In)”.
·         Try SMB scan folder setup again. If permissions and sharing is setup correctly, then you should have success.