Benefits of the XPS Printer Driver

Benefits of the XPS Driver:

Improved color printing

High-fidelity print output

Faster printing of documents with rich graphics

Improved color printing

The operating system can communicate a broader range of color information from applications to inkjet printers that use more than four ink colors (known as wide-gamut printers).

The advanced color capabilities available in XPS make Windows Vista a great platform for printing photos with more lifelike output.

High-fidelity print output

The XPS print infrastructure enables high-fidelity output by reducing or eliminating image data conversions and color space conversions that typically occur during printing.

The benefit for users is that smooth shadings, fades, and glow effects used in modern documents print just as intended, without loss of image fidelity or color fidelity.

Faster printing of documents with rich graphics

With XPS-enabled enterprise class printers—available now from many printer manufacturers—the time spent waiting to finish printing a rich, color graphics document is dramatically reduced.

Consider a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that has the same color background repeated across 30 slides.

Before XPS, that enterprise printer would render that same color image 30 times, creating a massive "spool" or print file (and a long wait for everyone else that needed the printer). These massive spool files were also a tax on network bandwidth.

With XPS, the color image is sent to and rendered by the printer once.

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