Printer IP Address,

How can I assign IP addresses properly?

  • The Internet Protocol address is a unique number that represents a specific computer in a network. Format of the IP Address is four numbers separated by dots, e.g. '' Each number should be decimal of 0 through 255.

  • The IP address is compiled from 'network ID + user ID.' This results in three different IP address 'classes.' Representing the network ID as 'n' and the user ID as 'u,' each class has the following attributes:

Class IP Addressing First Segment Range Application Number of Networks Number of Users
A n.u.u.u 0<127 Large scale network 126 16,777,214
B n.n.u.u 128<191 Mid scale network 16,384 65,634
C n.n.n.u 192<223 Small network 2,097,150 254

For example, in a class C network, you can assign an IP address as ''

  • Devices having IP addresses with different network IDs ('n' above) cannot communicate even when they are in the same network segment.

Following is an example of a Class C IP network with 3 computers and 1 IB-21E/IB-22 printer:

Computer A
Computer B
Computer C
IB-21E/IB-22 printer

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