How to print In Linux?

On UNIX/Linux systems you have the choice, which software you like to use to print out your documents. Four programs are introduced now, which you can take to use CUPS quite comfortably.

You have to decide which of it fits best to you and your purposes. 


XPP is a little print panel for the X Window system that gives you the opportunity to use all the features of your printer very comfortably as long as they are supported by CUPS.
It can be downloaded at
In order to use XPP from a given application you just have to use the xpp instead of the lpr/lpd command. Just type in xpp and you can choose a printer and its options.

QTCUPS is a full functional print panel based on the qt-library.
It gives you the opportunity to adjust the settings of your printer for
every print out, like XPP and glp do.
QTCUPS is open source software and you can download it from:

ESP Print Pro (glp

ESP Print Pro provides a little graphical tool as print panel, called glp. It gives you the opportunity to make print specific settings for every print out. You have to have ESP Print Pro installed to use it! You can start glp with the following command:

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