HDD Font Download Feature

To register font data onto the HDD, follow the steps below.
Create a directory on the HDD to store the fonts and download the font data to the directory.
Creating a Font Directory on the HDD
To create the “fonts” directory on the HDD, send the following PJL (Printer Job Language) command to the printer.
@PJL FSMKDIR NAME="0:\pcl"[]
@PJL FSMKDIR NAME="0:\pcl\fonts"[]
%-12345XNote: Anything between “[“ and “]” may be ignored. The end-of-line characters must not be in the order .

Here, means 0x1b, means 0x0d, and means 0x0a.Therefore, %-12345X in hex code would be:0x1b 0x25 0x2d 0x31 0x32 0x33 0x34 0x35 0x58
%-12345X is the UEL (Universal Exit Language) and must be at the beginning of any job to be registered onto the HDD. @PJL FSMKDIR NAME="0:\pcl" specifies the directory \pcl to be created on the HDD’s 0 volume. This causes the 0:\pcl directory to be created.
If the volume is not 0, a parse error will occur and no directory will be created.
Next, the @PJL FSMKDIR NAME="0:\pcl\fonts" command creates the “fonts” subdirectory under “pcl”. The directory where PCL font data can be stored is fixed to 0:\pcl\fonts.
PCL only recognizes “fonts”. No other directory is supported.
@PJL FSDOWNLOAD FORMAT:BINARY NAME = "0:\pcl\fonts\mCrj00cp.sft" SIZE=71502
This section specifies the file name and the file size of the PCL font data to follow.
qFile format must be binary.
qFile size must count the number of bytes after the , up to the last UEL but excluding the UEL. Size must be in the range 0 -231 - 1.
0:\pcl\fonts\mCrj00cp.sft is the font file name.
qAvailable characters are the same as those in DOS file names.
qFile name can be up to 100 characters long. Path names (including all intermediate directory names and the file name) must be no longer than 255 bytes.
Font ContentPCL 5e commands
ØFont Header Command. 585 indicates the number of Font Header Data bytes that follows this command. Font format follows.
ØCharacter Code Command. Character Code = 1
ØCharacter Definition Command. 930 indicates the number of bytes in the Character Data Block that follows this command. Character Format follows that command.
qAfter these, Character Code Command and Character Definition Command are sent for each character.

1 comment :

  1. This is a good example of placing soft fonts on a printer HDD using PJL. I've had success in doing this but not in actually being able to use them. How do you register them for actual use after they are there? Specifically with a Ricoh printer.
